Wednesday 4 December 2013

Crafty B's Christmas Crafting

The time of year is upon us when people are dropping like flies with various coughs and colds. My two little ones are no exception. Whilst they are cosied up, dosed up with paracetamol, teething gel and vapour rub and napping, I am taking this opportunity to break from the never ending piles of washing and housework, have a cup of tea and a piece of cake and update the blog for you lovely lot.

Apparently Christmas does come earlier when you have children. I was always a big fan of NOT getting into the spirit in September and waiting for the appropriate time. This year I spent everyday of November talking to the biggest Baby B all about Christmas and what it means for us as a family. He's two this year so he understands a bit more. I knew I was harbouring a festive spirit, eager to get out and I waited in anticipation for the right time to let it all out.

The right time was November 30th, when 10 very Crafty B's came together, had tea and mince pies and crafted their hearts out with festive music from Michael Buble and Frank Sinatra filling the air.

Those that came to the launch of the next Crafty B's group, came either with ideas of things they would like to make or an eagerness to be inspired and just go with the flow. The results were wonderful and the taster session led to some very happy B's leaving at the end with some lovely handmade things to add to their Christmas. Some even picked up a Lucky Dip Craft Kit to create some lovely things with or give as a gift.

Each person was given a tile, a magnet and a card and envelope and with all the crafting supplies available they were able to be creative in their own ways. Inspiration for their makes came from imagination, creative flair and inspiration from books, magazines, other people and some handcrafted items that were pre made for everyone to nosy at.

Armed with their glues, papers, felts, fabrics, needles, threads, a die cutting machine and many other tools at their disposal, they got to crafting. Here are a few pictures.
This group served as a taster session of what is to come in the new year and Crafty B's will be holding several Saturday meets at Bourn Golf and Leisure, Bourn, Cambridgeshire throughout 2014. They will run in a similar way to the Christmas Crafting but details will be sent out for each meet as it happens. If you are not already receiving updates from Crafty B's and would like to be informed of upcoming events, please email

Saturday's craft group also served as an outlet for my festive spirit and there was not reigning it back in.  On Sunday, the advent calendar I made last year was hung, the tree came out and the films and music were played and sung.

Happy December one and all.

Mrs Crafty B

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