Tuesday 26 November 2013

Meet the Maker: Louise of Septopus Designs

A bit more crochet for our Meet the Maker share this week. Crochet like I have never seen it before.
Before we get to chatting and finding out about this marvellous make, lets ask our maker wo very important questions.

Tea or coffee?
Coffee at work but a tea drinker really - milky with one sugar 

And biscuit or cake?
Biscuits, had to be ginger nuts to dunk in my tea

Now we have established refreshment choices, tell us a bit about yourself.
My name's Louise, I live in East Yorkshire soon to be West Yorkshire and I work full time for a clothing retail company. I am happily married and have a bonkers cat called spider. I am also responsible for The Crochet Septopus at Septopus Designs and spend almost all my spare time crocheting and designing new creations.

...and what about the item that you are sharing with us?
It's an under the sea themed tea cosy made for national wear a tea cosy on your head day. It's an annual event held every September to raise money for local charities. I wanted to test my skills and make the most bonkers tea cosy I could think of, but most importantly something that would make people smile when they saw it.

How long have you been crocheting?
I have been crocheting for about two years. I set myself a New Years resolution to learn a new craft and chose crochet. I am self taught and generally make it up as I go along. I'm very much a trial and error crafter. In the future I'd really like to take up needle felting and work on my sewing skills. I eventually want to turn my crafting into a business.

What inspires and motivates you?
My husband, he always pushes me to try something new and is massively supportive in my new ventures. He really believes in me and gives me confidence to go and follow my dreams.

Any crafting heroes?
My mum who is an amazing knitter and my grandmother who created the most beautiful needle work some of which hangs in my living room in pride of place

Do you have a crafting space?
I wish I did, I craft anywhere I can, usually on the sofa in front of the telly or on the train on the way to work.

Any big plans for 2014?
I would love to start selling my creations and taking on commissions 

So can we join you in your virtual world? 
Twitter: @crochetseptopus 
Facebook: Facebook.com/septopusdesigns 

Finally, some quick fire questions...

Favourite colour?

The best season? 
Autumn - I love the various colours nature has to offers and the shorter days make me want to snuggle on the sofa with a good stew and a cuppa 

Your favourite food? 
Fajitas mainly for the sour cream 

The best day of the week?
Sunday as I get to spend it with my husband and it's usually when I get to do the most crafting

What is the best word?
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, makes me smile every time

Favourite place?
Alvor in Portugal

Thanks for letting us nosy into your world Louise. This truly is crochet at its most whimsical. I love this design!

Mrs Crafty B

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Meet the Maker: Katie of Katie Gets Crafty

I can't quite figure out how it has taken so long to get us some crafty bunting on Meet the Maker but here it is! Let's meet the lovely Katie.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Meet the Maker: Leanne of Candles by Leanne

Meet the Maker is back! First up, Leanne, who is looking to bring a little light into your life with beautiful and unique handmade candles.
As ever, two very important questions. 

Tea or coffee?
Tea, 2 sweeteners and white :)

Biscuit or cake?
Cake. My favourite is red velvet 

So, tell us a bit about yourself.
Hi, I am Leanne and I am based in Torpoint Cornwall. I am a naval wife and a stay at home mum to Keira 6 years old and Bailey 16months. I own Candles By Leanne, candles for all occasions. You can find me on Tumblr candlesbyleanne.tumblr.com and Facebook www.facebook.com/candlesbyleanne. When I am not making, I love running and reading

Can you tell us a bit about the item that you are sharing with us?
I have made a personalised family tree candle. The candle can be made in various colours and scents and is a perfect gift for any occasion.

How long have you been candle making and how did you learn?
I started over a year ago as a hobby to take my mind off things due to my baby being born with a heart condition and needing open heart surgery. I taught myself with kits and books.

And when did you start Candles By Leanne?
Candles By Leanne was started in September 2012 after I showed my creations to family and friends and my hobby quickly grew into a business.

What inspires and motivates you?
The latest fashions and seasons motivate and inspire me

Any crafting heroes?
Kirstie Allsopp

Do you have a crafting space?
I have taken up half of the kitchen to make candles and have a corner in the dining room for my home office to design and decorate candles

Any future plans for Candle by Leanne?
I am looking at opening a shop in my local town in 2014.

So can we join you in your virtual world?

Finally, some quick fire questions.

Favourite colour? 

The best season?

Your favourite food? 

The best day of the week?

What is the best word?
Wine :)

Favourite place?

Your biggest achievement?
Starting my own business

Thanks Leanne! It was great to get to know a bit more about the maker of this lovely candle. This would make lovely Christmas gifts, wouldn't you agree folks?

Mrs Crafty B

Monday 4 November 2013

Crafty B's: A Deeper Insight

I bet you all thought this post would be all about Crafty B's as my new venture right? Well you wouldn't be wrong in thinking it was a little about it but its mainly about that big first step. Business cards.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Cambourne Craft Fair

I've just dismissed a cuppa in favour of a lemsip. This means that I have caught a germ. A cold germ. A yucky horrible cold germ and tomorrow I have a busy day planned. A massive thumbs down to that! For now, I'm hoping that the littlest B is going to give me a few minutes to update my blog!