Sunday 12 February 2012

Crafting a Daydream

I actually have a series of reoccurring daydreams. I’m feeling a need to start making them reality. I’ve lived my life up to now being a dreamer. Now I want to be a do-er. My new Ethos:

Don’t dream a dream. Live it. 


What better way to remember all of my thoughts than to record them all in a blog?! Well, I must confess, I thought the best way was pen and paper. I’m a bit of a notebook junky. Unbeknown to most people in my life, I love to write. I’m not saying I’m good at it. I’m saying I love it. I use it as a way to document thoughts and feelings and it makes for interesting reading when looking back at things written at certain points in my life! Thoughts in this medium are not easily shared.

So here I am taking a step into the electronic world of today. To share all of my loves and to find others who share them with me.

Aside from my wonderful husband and my beautiful son, I love to make things. This is not a new development in my life. I’ve always liked to be creative. I rarely find the time these days. So mission one is to make:


My first attempt to find the time was to set up a crafts club at my work place. This was well received by the social committee. Maternity leave meant that I was no longer able to join the lovely ladies in our weekly lunchtime meet, and as those of you with children will know, those moments to yourself are few and far between.

Tomorrow while the little one is napping, I’m going to dig out a few things I have made and share the photos with you.

Don’t forget to check them out, if we have anything in common, hopefully you will be inspired to dig out your own crafting project from the back of that drawer or the bottom of that wardrobe!

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1 comment:

  1. Apa cara yang lebih baik untuk mengingat semua pemikiran saya selain mencatat semuanya di blog?! Yah, harus saya akui, saya pikir cara terbaik adalah pena dan kertas. Saya sedikit pecandu notebook. Tanpa sepengetahuan kebanyakan orang dalam hidup saya, saya suka menulis. Saya tidak mengatakan saya baik dalam hal itu. Saya mengatakan saya menyukainya. Saya menggunakannya sebagai cara untuk mendokumentasikan pikiran dan perasaan dan itu membuat bacaan yang menarik ketika melihat kembali hal-hal yang tertulis pada titik-titik tertentu dalam hidup saya! Pikiran dalam media ini tidak mudah dibagikan.

    Jadi di sini saya mengambil langkah ke dunia elektronik hari ini. Untuk berbagi semua cinta saya dan untuk menemukan orang lain yang berbagi dengan saya.

    Selain suami saya yang luar biasa dan putra saya yang cantik, saya suka membuat sesuatu. Ini bukan perkembangan baru dalam hidup saya. kandang kambing Saya selalu suka menjadi kreatif. Saya jarang menemukan waktu akhir-akhir ini. Jadi misi satu adalah membuat
