Monday 2 September 2013

September Takeover

For Baby B and I, it has been a long summer. Being very pregnant through the heat has not been easy (let alone the 9 months of sickness, anaemia and other pregnancy woes). Entertainment has come in the form of anything I don't have to sit down on the floor to do. The most has been made of time in the garden (exception to floor rule: sitting in the paddling pool) or hiding in the front room with a tower fan. Colouring books have been my saviour and Baby B's new addiction to puzzles has been brought to the table (quite literally).

Crafty time has been almost none existent and at the time of writing, Bumpleton's blanket is still not finished so I have lots of crafty plans for those winter evenings in front of the TV!

By now, I am hoping to be resting up in preparation for Bumpleton's arrival or maybe even lost in a whirlwind of new born baby antics. Either way, the time has come for me to hand over my bloggy space to some lovely bloggers who will entertain you with tales of their summers. There are tutorials, tales of adventures, crafts for young children and older children and a bit of baby fashion thrown in for good measure!

I hope to be back crafting and blogging as soon as possible but whilst I get to know my new arrival (and figure out where crafty time will fit ;-) ) it's over to the gatecrashers of my September Takeover.

Enjoy :-D
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Crafting a Daydream


  1. Yay! Enjoy your confinement love ;) xx

  2. Keep watch for my middle of the night feeding tweets!!!

  3. Good luck with your new arrival! I'm sure I'll be joining you in the midnight Tweets - I have a 9 week old that keeps me up at night!


  4. I will keep an eye out for your twilight twitterings ;-)
