Wednesday 24 September 2014

The Crocheted Wave Blanket

Do you remember about 100 years ago (ok 2 years ago) when I posted about the start of a crocheted wave blanket? I wanted to create something lovely for my second baby and was inspired by the colours of (of all things) some espresso cups that Hubby B had purchased. 

A complete nine months of pregnancy sickness saw me unable and unwilling to crochet most evenings and when he finally arrived, the blanket was not ready. In fact, I completely forgot to even take a blanket to the hospital when I was in labour (as if I was thinking about it) and he came home in Hubby B's jumper!! 

I've picked it up occasionally to try and get it done but as it was in rows, the cotton yarn was small and the hook tiny, it just grew really, really slowly. I was determined it would be finished for his 1st  birthday at the start of September…and it was!!!!!!!! 

It's the longest WIP that I've had on my hook and I eventually got over the fact that I made a few rows short by accident, resulting in a nook out of the side. I also wasn't happy with the edging but the blanket is soft, warm, super colourful and made with much love and determination so for that, I am happy. My Littlest B loves it too (thank goodness!). So here are a few pics of the work in (long time) progress, but finally finished crocheted wave blanket (also pictured above with the espresso mugs that inspired it).

What is the longest WIP you have ever had?

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