Monday 26 January 2015

The Week That I Was Inspired By Yoda

Welcome back to another nosy post where I'm going to give you a quick run down of the notable points of my week.

Firstly I have discovered a way to CREATE TIME!
You know when you say you need extra hours? Ok that's is a bit extreme but for me, my week always starts off clearing up after the weekend (i.e. dishes not done, floors hoovered, toys all over the place) when I had decided that I wouldn't get bogged down by housework and be more laid back. This always meant I was on a back foot on Monday before getting back into our weekday routines. Last week, I decided that I would spend an hour on Sunday night clearing up and getting the house in order ready for the week. It might have meant that I had less down time that evening, but on Monday, I didn't have to do the 6.45am jig over the toys, post lego brick hop and dance around the dirty dishes to get lunches made. It was a much smoother start. I even met a like minded Mummy at the school who invited Littlest B and I to a soft play centre on the Tuesday. So I loved Monday.

Tuesday brought reflection on my homemaker status. I thrive on busy and right now, the only busy is homemaking and children based. I love it but I need something aside. I wrote a post (that has subsequently been removed) about the choices that we really have regarding working and it led to the decision to FINALLY become a freelance VA (virtual assistant). It will be a lot of work but if theres one thing I know about myself, it's that if I want to do something, I can and I will.

Further reflection in the week led me to discover that I have not been taking time to craft and my evenings are now spent staring at the TV or my phone rather than my hands busying themselves with some sewing or crochet! This is no good. So I decided that would change this week. I need an outlet for my busy mind!

With all this 'can do' attitude in the air, I made a very odd purchase over the weekend which I would like to share with you. My house at the moment (and probably for the foreseeable future) is a cave of superheroes, Star Wars and Lego. In all orders and combinations. When visiting the Lego shop on Saturday, the mini figure key rings were on sale. Baby B was searching through and a Yoda key ring caught my eye. Now, I have never watched the whole of a Star Wars film and I have refused to get sucked in by the boys in my life (not that girls can't be into Star Wars) but a scene that I do know popped into my mind and it prompted me to buy this key ring as a reminder.

I spent the rest of the weekend in a lazy state with some visitors that had come to stay and talked their ears of about a really cool crafty event that I will soon be covering on the blog, but more about that in another post!

For now I will leave you with the wise words of Yoda:

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  1. Love the Yoda and his quote! I'm glad you've found some you time and all the best with the VA job x

    1. It is no nerve wracking committing to something like this! Thank you :-)
