Monday 16 February 2015

No Grey Clouds; Just 'Crafty' Silver Linings

What a rubbish week! However, I am not going to use this post to p-word and moan about sickness, hospitals and my boys not being with me; that is all that needs to be said of the negative stuff. Instead, I am going to use this week's catch up to highlight some silver linings from the last few days.

First up, the biggest of the silver linings, the kindness shown by my neighbours in a sticky spot I found myself in last weekend. Without them, the start of the week would have been a lot different and for their kindness and willingness to help me, I am so thankful.

On another thankful note, a member of staff from Tesco also saved the day by getting my shopping to me against all odds. I am not sure how Littlest B would have coped without his daily 100 pints of milk. I am not sure how Baby B would have coped with chocolate chip brioche rolls either so thanks Matt from Tesco!

With a little bit of time on my hands, but not able to physically do much, I have taken it upon myself to indulge in a couple of beauty treats. This Hydrating Face Mask from Superdrug was one. I am ashamed to say I had to use a number of times before there was actually any 'residue' to blot off as per the instructions but it certainly helped with my miserable looking skin. I also made use of some No7 Nourishing Nail and Cuticle Care and a bit of fragrant hand cream by L'Occitane which I reviewed here.
I have also had time to clean my laptop screen…so er...when did you last do that? So, so gross. It was super good that I did this. I am going to do this more often. Enough said.
Keeping me company over the last couple of days; my hot water bottle; soothing and warming and some scented candles, Namely, a couple of my favourites from Yankee. 
Although I didn't get an actual personalised tin of soup, I was really happy to see 'Get Well Soon' written on the tins that Hubby B has lined the cupboards with for me and I have enjoyed (most of) a mug of soup with a bit of olive bread. 
I haven't been up to much so when I have felt up to it, I've been playing with Lego! Yup you read right. Lego. I have been playing with it. Me. Yup. More about that another time, but they are all TINY pieces! 
I would love to read your silver linings from this week so share share and share below! 

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  1. Oh sorry you're feeling so rotten amazing to find some happy thoughts from the week though and they are great ones! I've not played with lego for years! Not the tiny blocks anyway! Love the sound of soups with olive bread delicious x

    1. Thank you. Lego is an obsession in our house right now! If you can't beat them...

  2. Sounds like a right rubbish week. My silver linings were the dog not dying after drinking drain cleaner (phew!), enjoying an unexpected mummy/ Seb date when we found ourselves on our loansome on Saturday and getting my hair done for free! Whoop to silver linings x

    1. Whoop indeed! I desperately need my hair done. Ashamed to tell you the last time! Eek! Naughty doggy. Glad she is ok. Love and sloppys to your beautiful boy. X

  3. Oh dear :/ sorry to hear you've not been well, but I loved to read about the positives that your week bought. Its always nice to have time to pamper yourself. Hope you feel better soon x

    1. Thank you Lorna. That kind of 'time' doesn't occur very often so I'm most certainly trying to make the most.

  4. Well done for staying positive despite being so poorly, hope you're feeling better soon.

    Popping over from #twtwc

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    1. Thank you Jenna. And thanks for stopping by! Xx

  5. Oh no! What happened??? I hope you're ok! Lots of lovely handcreams.

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

  6. Ongoing, undiagnosed illness. Totally rubbish.
    Thanks for hosting! X

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