Sunday 1 February 2015

Sew it Begins

The 1st of February is upon us! How many of you spent January enthusiastically getting to grips with new hobbies, classes and new lifestyle choices? How many of you are still as enthusiastic going into the second month of 2015?

In my attempt to get back to crafty, I spent this week thinking more about
the when and how. I used to go to a weekly meet up but in recent months, post move, I have found that time is not on my side when it comes to crafting. Or is it? I think that the truth is that inspiration is lacking! Time can be made, and most certainly shall be as I am starting to loose my mind, but inspiration and the right workspace has to be available. I am never going to pick up that incomplete embroidery project if I have to get up and dig through boxes in the garage that are probably now spider hotels *waaaaaaa.*

Aside from the normal school runs, housework and shopping, this week was focused on comforting a feverish Littlest B who suffered with a cold for a couple of days alongside a few teeth trying to push their way through. The 'jobs' I tried to achieve were planning my trip to the craft shows in March at the NEC in Birmingham (more info soon!) and clearing my desk. I felt that if I had a clear desk, this would make it easier to have 'quick' blog sessions, prepare for my new VA venture and provide a calming work base for me to focus on what is next. I think this is how I work best.

I had a think about covering some drab looking folders, how I might make a file tray and I also discovered that the shelf under my desk would hold my sewing machine nicely! I haven't play with it for ages and now I can just grab it out quickly. And...
My problem is that I have so many W'sIP that I never achieve anything. I have a sneaky suspicion that with the Great British Sewing Bee starting this week and the craft shows coming up in in March, I will be most inspired by sewing projects. As I write this, I am sitting with my sewing box ready for a tidy and finding the best place for some small projects next to the sofa. I have a long list of things I would like to try on the sewing front but I think finishing of what has been started would be a good way to go.

What could I possibly get done in the next week?! What are your current sewing projects? Are you looking forward to the #GBSB

I hope you have had a fab January and that February is looking more fabulous!

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  1. I don't sew but I know what you mean about having more projects than you can realistically finish. I lost count of all of the knitting projects I have on the go!

    1. They are just all over! I'm finding things I started two years ago. I blame having babies! haha.

  2. I have borrowed my Mums sewing machine for when I made the kids Halloween costumes and I would love to get more use out of it. I never normally watch the sewing bee but I may this year to get some inspiration!

    1. It is FAB for inspiration. After this week, I very nearly went and ripped up on of Hubby B's shirts!! Eek!

  3. Best of luck with all your projects - sewing is a skill I really wish I had, one day I will teach myself! #TWTWC

    1. Well that is the aim Emily. I have high hopes of learning! We shall see.

  4. Good luck with your projects lovely - there's nothing like a house move to both inspire and uninspire eh??

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx
