Monday 19 January 2015

The Week That Was: Just a Little Bit Odd

I've decided that this year, I will finally focus a bit more on my blog. My aim is to blog more but to include some 'nosy' posts, which I have never really done before. I call these posts 'nosy' because they are the ones I like to read on other peoples blogs when I want to be a bit nosy!! Come on, don't tell me you don't do this. We love it!

So this week…where do I start? Well, I am British so lets go with the weather. No, honestly I am going to write about the weather because it has been WEIRD. On Tuesday morning, outside was looking grey, gloomy and rainy. By early afternoon I was out in brilliant (and slightly warm!) sunshine, clearing out the garage. Once I was back inside, hail arrived. Then horrendous winds came whilst I was doing the school pick up. This was not enough and snow joined in the 'fun'. Baby B and I watched from his bedroom and lightning flashed with a big crash of thunder.

Never in my life have I seen ALL kinds weathers in 24 hours. Mad. This has continued through the week. I fear this is something I'll have to get used to. I don't know if it's the norm for the Welsh Valleys or global warming in action. Either way I don't like it. Baby B informs me that he loves the rain (which is just as well) and of course there is no such thing as inappropriate weather, just bad clothing right? Right? Come on! I've updated the waterproofs and wellies and the boys will go outdoors in all weathers and I will put a smile on my face but I will never enjoy being out in the rain more than inside watching it with a cuppa. FACT. 

This week was also the first 5 day week of Baby B going to full time nursery. Most nurseries in Wales only offer part time places (and the system is very different to back in Cambridge) but in the nursery up in the next village, they offer full time places i.e. the same as school hours. It has been a really hard decision to send him full time and to be honest, I still haven't decided if it will continue. Before I put my thoughts out there about it, I just want to tug on your heart strings a little. 

We are very communicative with Baby B and always express positive feelings and talk about how we feel; good or bad and how we can make each other feel better if bad. Whilst I was helping Baby B dress for bed the day before he was going to school 'all day' he asked:

"Mummy, you miss me when I go?"

I responded with:

"Of course I will! I will be sad not to have you here, but you are going to have so much fun and that makes me happy." 

I'm certain he clocked the tears in my eyes as he said:

"I give you a kiss and cuddle Mummy" 

and hugged me tightly around my neck. *waaaaaaa*

Ok soppy stuff out of the way, let's get to it. Never did I imagine that I would be getting used to my three year old going to 'school' full time. I had mentally prepared for this to come in September this year. So here are my concerns and my attempts at voicing my rational alter ego in response! 

He will be too tired!
All of the children will be tired. now or in September. He will have an active day, some quiet time and a good nights sleep. If it catches up with him, he can have an afternoon nap at the weekend, just like everyone else who isn't actually a baby and who has had a long week.

He is too young!
It's six hours a day. He went to a day nursery at 9 months for three days a week 8 till 5.30. A lot of tiny little ones go to day nurseries full time 8-6 or longer.

He will miss out of stuff we are doing at home!
We can do them after school or at the weekend. He likes school more. He told you so.

He will miss out on lunch with Mummy and little brother! 
YOU will miss out on lunch with HIM. He would rather have lunch with his friends at school. He told you so.

He will be influenced by other children!
That will happen in September too. And he will also influence other children.

He will change!
Yup. He's always changing, growing and developing a personality.

Littlest B screams every time he goes into class!
Deal with it. He'll get over it and he will enjoy having Mummy to himself…eventually.

He won't love me as much!
Stop being needy.

We won't have any time together!

This is going to happen now or in September and the only person this is proving problematic for is me and I know it. I just don't want to accept it. Every day, Baby B comes home and tells me that he has had a great day, that he has learnt a new song, made a new friend, drawn a 'lovely' picture or played a game that he has never played before. He tells me what he didn't eat at lunch time and that he will finish it for a snack when he gets home. He asks every morning (including Saturday and Sunday) if he is going to school. He LOVES his uniform and his new shoes. He thinks PE is fab and he can't wait to show me his new library book on a Friday. So whilst he has nothing bad to say about school and is this enthusiastic and continuing to be the polite communicative Baby B I know,  I would say the experience is all quite good and it sets him in good steed for when he HAS to go in September when the activities might be a little different. EEK! He will also be going to a different school but thats another kettle of fish.
What is more, this is the first time I have had this much time with the Littlest B who is very different to his older brother. Our relationship is slowly changing as I get to know him better and I can tell him one on one that I love him and to STOP FREAKIN' BITING. We will be able to start doing all of the things I used to do with Baby B which I feel have shaped his social skills and bubbly personality. I wonder how different Littlest B will be!

So that was my 'totes emosh' week (yeah I went there). This has been the central focus except housework, organising the home office, clearing out the garage and preparing for guests at the weekend.

I'll be back to dish the dirt again next week!

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  1. Aww it sounds an emotional week. What a great view from the classroom though, #TWTWC xx

    1. He is very lucky Polly. The weather is a bit extreme up there though. Very windy!

  2. It sounds like a tough week - it must be very hard - but as you say, you've got school holidays :)

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

    1. We do Hannah. This time comes around in the end. I guess we have to embrace the different kind of adventures. Maybe have more babies! Haha x

  3. Eek tough week! The weather has been mental hasn't it. Bobble hat on route to nursery and shorts and ice lolly for the walk home! X

  4. Eek tough week! The weather has been mental hasn't it. Bobble hat on route to nursery and shorts and ice lolly for the walk home! X

    1. I starting to learn this is a norm in the Welsh Valleys!

  5. Sounds like it's been a hard week. We're already in the school holidays; don't wish for them to come around too quickly....!!!

  6. I hate weeks like this but it does make you want the holidays sooner but as soon as you have had them home a few weeks you will be wanting them back at school!

  7. Ooh I do love a nosy post hehe. Firstly wow the view from the nursery is amazing, really beautiful. I'm a nursery nurse and I know how hard it is for parents leaving the children. It's so hard to understand that your children are fine and having so much fun but I know as parents we miss them so much. thanks for linking up to #ToddlersAndTeens at Mummy2Monkeys
