Tuesday 21 May 2013

Meet the Maker: Karen Deverson of Lavender Babies

Welcome readers, to another Meet the Maker interview. Today we are meeting Karen Deverson.
Firstly, two very important questions.

Tea or coffee?
Coffee, cappuccino

Biscuit or cake?
Biscuit, shortbread

Great, so cappuccino and shortbread in hand, tell us a bit about yourself.
I'm Karen Deverson and I am a holistic therapist and teacher. I have had my own business for eight years.

Give us some info about the item that you are sharing with us?
I was inspired whilst pregnant last year to create totally natural products. My sprays are made with crystals and essential oils, evolved from that, using my knowledge of crystals and essential oils. I have a range -Lavender Babies, for bump, baby & beyond, and a range - Lavender Moon, for adults & older children.

What inspires and motivates you?
My children, constantly.

Do you have a crafting space?
I work from my home, wherever I can find the space and peace!

Any big plans for 2013?
To develop my business as much as I possibly can.

So can we join you in your virtual world?
www.lavendergarden.co.uk , twitter @lavenderbabies , facebook www.facebook.com/lavenderbabies & www.facebook.com/lavendermoonuk . E-mail: kaz7323@yahoo.co.uk

Finally, some quick fire questions that we are dying to know the answers to. 

Favourite colour?

The best season?

Your favourite food?

The best day of the week?

What is the best word?

Favourite place?
Walt Disney World Florida

Your biggest achievement?
Giving birth to four healthy, beautiful children, my fourth was last year.

Thanks so much for sharing your item with us Karen :-)

Mrs Crafty B

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