Friday 3 May 2013

To Be Mummy and a Mummy to Be!

This morning I came downstairs to find the mess from our return home yesterday. Baby B and I went out to the City on the bus to run a few errands and met Hubby B for a late dinner. By the time we came home, all bags etc were dumped on the breakfast bar,  Baby B was put to bed and the grown up B's just about managed an episode of House M.D before calling it an (early) night. 

As I came into the kitchen, I sighed to myself because I knew that these bags contained things to put away, cards to write, gifts to wrap but wait......I then remembered that yes, I might already be a Mummy, but ALL Mummies-to-be get a Bounty pack! Yes! I picked mine up yesterday and my focus shifted from breakfast with the boys (Baby B was happily eating toast already) and I was itching to discover whether my 'mum-to-be' pack actually had anything for me. Back when I was pregnant with  Baby B, I got solely baby stuff. I was grateful but you know, what about mum? 

So imagine by delight when I opened the bag to find a bottle, not a sample...but a BOTTLE of the moisturiser that I already use and which I discovered was running low at the beginning of the week. Oh how I was pleased that I forget to pick some more up yesterday. Not even just the same brand! The actual one I use. Thanks Simple. 
I also received a tub of decaf coffee. This defies the point of coffee for me really but I enjoyed a mug this morning none the less. Hubby B pointed out that they should offer and mum-to-be-for-existing-Mums pack because they might provide a little bit of caffeine. I know it's not good for Bumpleton but a little bit is ok and occasionally much required with three 20month-ish boys running around! 

My sample of washing powder (which every mum/mum-to-be loves) has been put to use already with my first load of the day and all the papers/vouchers/magazines have been sorted into useful/recycling/reading for later. 

My moisturiser excitement is slowly dying down and I am facing a few loads of washing to prepare some clothes for a charity shop and I fully intend to get in my first proper 'weekday nap' in with Baby B today. We have visitors over the whole of the weekend so maybe I'll do a little housekeeping ;-)

I hope you all have something lovely planned for the long weekend.

Sunshine wishes,

Mrs Crafty B 

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